Monday, January 2, 2012

Weathermen and Snowmen

Well, I definitely have the heart of a teacher.....Christmas break is coming to an end and I am already checking weather forecasts for snow.  Not sure if it is the teacher or kid in me that loves a good snow day. I had even purchased several  flannel blankets that went on sale 50% off after Christmas in anticipation of cuddling under them on a snowy day! As I went to bed last night they were calling for a 50% chance of snow on Monday and Tuesday.  I got up this morning and they had changed it to partly sunny.  Now does this still mean the other half could be partly snowy?  I think it is cruel how they play with our emotions.  I had already made my plans for how I would spend the day!  Well, if I can't build a real snowman I guess I will have to make some.  I currently have the body parts of three potential snow dolls scattered on my end table in the den.  It currently looks like they have met with some horrific snowplow accident. In keeping with my New Years Resolution number 2, I have resolved that when the TV is on I will be working on something creative and artistic.  Since this is only day two I am off to a great start.  Let's hope I can stick to it.  As far as the diet (Resolution 1) goes, I was just walking through the house looking for leftover Christmas snacks, since all I could find was one Nutter Butter cracker, the diet appears to be going well today, but San Juan reopens tonight and after a week without Mexican........I could fall off the wagon soon. What about resolution number 3?  Well, so far no one has asked me to do anything major other than get them a coke out of the refrigerator, which I did.
I have been busy working on establishing my Etsy shop for the past two days, will let you know when the grand opening of Sonny & Son will be...probably when I finish my girls!  I know people probably wonder about the name, if you have read the sidebar you have probably figured it out.  It is a little tribute to my dad, Sonny Lockard.  I was named after an ins. policy he did for a couple's little boy, my name was going to be Shawn whether I was girl or boy.....though I secretly think he had his fingers crossed for the boy. My suspicions where slightly confirmed when I received gifts such as matchbox cars, race track sets, and a G.I. Joe to go with Barbie!  As a result I decided to name my little enterprise Sonny & Son.....also Sonny & Dau. just didn't have the same ring to it.  There was an up side to all these slightly male oriented toys.  I tend to be very mechanical in thinking, I love to fix and make things, and never fuss when my husband wants to buy a new tool.

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